Artist profile
Molly Richards
Contact details
ArtformPhotography and Media
Year Group Specific
DBS & Insurance details
KS3, 4 and 5
Workshops ready to deliver- How the workshop links to the curriculum: Exploring the practical and creative skills through the medium of Photography. The workshop works to encourage students to consider how their use of technologies can be used to interact with a range of spaces. It also promotes the opportunity to participate in critical feedback sessions and carry out creative conversations, developing their confidence and critical communication skills. E.g. Portfolio sessions and tutorials
- Duration: 1hour over the course of 4 weeks
- Group size they can be delivered to: Min 4, max 30
- Size of room required: 8m x 5m min (depending on size of group)
- Any facilities required: Empty desks for portfolio reviews, tutorials etc. Studio based environment preferred (if possible).
Portable DBS & PLI secured
AvailabilityEvery term- time Monday and Friday
Do you work to commission or collaborate with schools on bespoke workshops:I work with both communism and collaboration with schools.
CV: Testimonials:Non to date.